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Department of Physiology

Skeletal muscle biology

Most relevant publications of the last few years

Original articles

Sandri M.*, Lin J.*, Handschin C., Yang W., Arany Z., Lecker S.H., Goldberg A. L., Spiegelman B.M.
PGC-1α protects skeletal muscle from atrophy by suppressing FoxO3 action and atrophy-specific gene transcription.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006, 103(44), 16260-5. *equal contribution.

St-Pierre J.*, Drori S.*, Uldry M., Silvaggi J.M., Rhee J., Jaeger S., Handschin C., Zheng K., Lin J., Yang W., Simon D.K., Bachoo R., Spiegelman, B.M.
Suppression of reactive oxygen species and neurodegeneration by the PGC-1 transcriptional coactivators.
Cell 2006, 127(2), 397-408. *equal contribution.

Wu Z., Huang X., Feng Y., Handschin C., Fen Y., Gullicksen P.S., Bare O., Labow M., Spiegelman B.M.,
Stevenson S.C.
Transducer of regulated CREB-binding proteins (TORCs) induce PGC-1α transcription and mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006, 103(39), 14379-84.

Rhee J., Ge H., Yang W., Fan M., Handschin C., Cooper M., Lin J., Li C., Spiegelman B.M.
Partnership of PGC-1α and HNF4α in the Regulation of Lipoprotein Metabolism.
J Biol Chem 2006, 281(21), 14683-90.

Handschin C., Lin J., Rhee J., Peyer A.K., Chin S., Wu P.H., Meyer U.A., Spiegelman B.M.
Nutritional regulation of hepatic heme biosynthesis and porphyria through PGC-1α.
Cell 2005, 122(4), 505-15. Accompanied by Cover and Perspectives article.

Gnerre C., Schuster G.U., Roth A., Handschin C., Johansson L., Looser R., Parini P., Podvinec M., Robertsson K., Gustafsson J.A., Meyer, U.A.
Regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes in LXR-deficient mice.
J Lipid Res 2005, 46(8), 1633-42.

Arany Z.*, He H.*, Lin J.*, Hoyer K., Handschin C., Toka O., Ahmad F., Matsui T., Chin S., Wu P.H., Rybkin I.I., Shelton J.M., Manieri M., Cinti S., Schoen F.J., Bassel-Duby R., Rosenzweig A., Ingwall J.S., Spiegelman, B.M. Transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α controls the energy state and contractile function of cardiac muscle.
Cell Metab 2005, 1(4), 259-71. *equal contribution. Accompanied by Cover and Perspectives article.

Lin J., Yang R., Tarr P.T., Wu P.H., Handschin C., Li S., Yang W., Pei L., Uldry M., Tontonoz P., Newgard C.B., Spiegelman B.M.
Hyperlipidemic Effects of Dietary Saturated Fats Mediated Through PGC-1β Coactivation of SREBP.
Cell 2005, 120(2), 261-73. Accompanied by Cover.

Handschin C., Gnerre C., Fraser D.J., Martinez-Jimenez C., Jover R., Meyer, U.A.
Species-specific mechanisms for cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) regulation by drugs and bile acids.
Arch Biochem Biophys 2005, 434(1), 75-85.

Handschin C., Blättler S., Roth A., Looser R., Oscarson M., Kaufmann M.R., Podvinec M., Gnerre C., Meyer, U.A. The evolution of drug-activated nuclear receptors: one ancestral gene diverged into two xenosensor genes in mammals.
Nucl Recept 2004, 2(7), 1-13.

Podvinec M., Handschin C., Looser R., Meyer U.A.
Identification of the xenosensors regulating human 5-aminolevulinate synthase.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004, 101(24), 9127-32.

Handschin C.*, Mootha V.K.*, Arlow D., St-Pierre J., Sihag S., Yang W., Altshuler D., Puigserver P., Lander E.S., Spiegelman B.M.
Errα and Gabpa/b specify the PGC-1α-dependent transcriptional program altered in human diabetes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004, 101(17), 6570-5. *equal contribution.

Fan M., Rhee J., St-Pierre J., Handschin C., Puigserver P., Lin J., Jaeger S., Erdjument-Bromage H., Tempst P., Spiegelman B.M.
Suppression of Mitochondrial Respiration Through p160 Myb Binding Protein Docking on PGC-1α: Modulation by p38 MAPK.
Genes Dev 2004, 18(1), 278-89.

Sanyal S., Handschin C., Podvinec M., Song K.H., Kim H.J., Kim J.Y., Seo Y.W., Kim S.A., Kwon H.B., Lee K., Kim W.S., Meyer U.A., Choi H.S.
A novel orphan nuclear hormone receptor TRR: A close relative to Testis Specific Receptor 2.
Gen Comp Endocrinol 2003, 132(3), 474-84.

Handschin C., Rhee J., Lin J., Tarr P.T., Spiegelman B.M.
An autoregulatory loop controls PGC-1α expression in skeletal muscle.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003, 100(12), 7111-6.

Handschin C., Podvinec M., Amherd R., Looser R., Ourlin J.C., Meyer U.A.
Cholesterol and bile acids regulate xenosensor signaling in drug-mediated induction of cytochromes P450.
J Biol Chem 2002, 277(33), 29561-7.

Podvinec M., Kaufmann M.R., Handschin C., Meyer U.A.
NUBIScan, an In-Silico Approach for Prediction of Nuclear Receptor Response Elements.
Mol Endocrinol 2002, 16(6), 1269-79.

Ourlin J.C., Handschin C., Kaufmann M., Meyer U.A.
A link between cholesterol levels and phenobarbital induction of cytochromes P450.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002, 291, 378-84.

Handschin C., Podvinec M., Looser R., Amherd R., Meyer U.A.
Multiple enhancer units mediate drug induction of CYP2H1 by xenobiotic-sensing orphan nuclear receptor chicken xenobiotic receptor.
Mol Pharmacol 2001, 60(4), 681-9.

Handschin C., Podvinec M., Stöckli J., Hoffmann K., Meyer U.A.
Conservation of signaling pathways of xenobiotic-sensing orphan nuclear receptors, chicken xenobiotic receptor, constitutive androstane receptor, and pregnane x receptor, from birds to humans.
Mol Endocrinol 2001, 15(9), 1571-85.

Handschin C., Podvinec M., Meyer U.A.
CXR, a chicken xenobiotic-sensing orphan nuclear receptor, is related to both mammalian pregnane X receptor (PXR) and constitutive androstane receptor (CAR).
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000, 97(20), 10769-74.

Handschin C., Meyer U.A.
A Conserved Nuclear Receptor Consensus Sequence (DR-4) Mediates Transcriptional Activation of the Chicken CYP2H1 Gene by Phenobarbital in a Hepatoma Cell Line.
J Biol Chem 2000, 275(18), 13362-9.

Reviews and Book chapters

Handschin C., Spiegelman B.M.
PGC-1 coactivators, energy homeostasis, and metabolism.
Endocr Rev 2006, 27(7),728-35.

Handschin C., Mootha V.K.
Estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα): a novel target in type 2 diabetes
Drug Discov Today Ther Strateg 2005, 2(2), 151-6.

Lin J., Handschin C., Spiegelman B.M.
Metabolic control through the PGC-1 family of transcription coactivators.
Cell Metab 2005, 1(6), 361-70.

Handschin C., Meyer U.A.
PXR and CAR: more than meets the eye.
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidation 2005, 17-21 (Medimond International Proceedings Division, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy, ISBN 88-7587-119-1), Editor: Oesch F.

Handschin C., Meyer U.A.
Regulatory Network of Lipid-Sensing Nuclear Receptors: Roles for CAR, PXR, LXR and FXR.
Arch Biochem Biophys 2005, 433(2), 387-96.

Handschin C., Meyer, U.A.
Induction of drug metabolism: the role of nuclear receptors.
Pharmacol Rev 2003, 55(4), 649-73.

Handschin C., Podvinec M., Meyer U.A.
In silico approaches, and in vitro and in vivo experiments to predict induction of drug metabolism.
Drug News Perspect 2003, 16(7), 423-34.

Handschin C., Meyer U.A.
The molecular mechanism of induction of cytochromes P450 by drugs and other xenobiotics.
Nova Acta Leopoldina 2003, 87(329), 205-11 in “Molecular Investigation of Metabolism and Transport of Drugs -- From Animal to Human Tissue” (Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle, Germany, ISSN 0369-5034), Editors: Döhmer J., Fleck C., Keppler D., Müller D., Ullrich K.J. for more use MedLine in the Link section

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