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Department of Physiology

Research Projects

Main Research Topics of Cellular Oxygen Physiology

General aims

The Cellular Oxygen Physiology Group is exploring the molecular mechanisms and therapeutical consequences of cellular adaptation to changing ambient oxygen conditions like found at high altitude, sites of inflammation, fibrotic tissue remodeling or the tumor microenvironment.


Functions of the PHD and FIH oxygen sensors

  • Identification and characterization of novel PHD- and FIH-dependent hydroxylation target proteins
  • Characterization of covalent bonds between hydroxylases and specific target proteins (oxomer formation)

Functional interplay between PHD oxygen sensors and HIF transcrioption factors

  • Kinetics of the HIF response to hypoxia
  • Mutual regulation of HIF-1aplha and HIF-2alpha in single cells
  • Investigating novel PHD inhibitory drugs

Mechanisms of renal oxygen sensing and signaling and pathophysiological conditions

  • Interplay between hypoxic and inflammatory/fibrotic pathways in the diseased kidney
  • Oxygen sensing and Epo regulation in the hypoxic and diseased kidney

Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Roland H. Wenger
Department of Physiology
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
Office: Y23 K 04
Tel.: +41 44 635 50 65

